Pilgrim Profile

Pilgrim Criteria
  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Become involved in preparing the pilgrimage (accompaniment, fundraising, meetings, etc.)
  • Be in good physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health. (Take into account that you will sleep on the ground, walk long distances, experience time shifts, potentially experience extreme weather conditions, and endure hardships and must do so with restraint, simplicity and joy.)
  • Be part of a group, and respect the directives given by another adult who will be responsible for the group
  • Remain with the group at all times during the pilgrimage.
  • Ability to adapt to others and people in need of support where appropriate (persons with disabilities or limited capacity)
  • Spirit of unity
  • Patience
  • Openness to others
  • Good listener
  • Joyful
  • Independent
  • Mature
  • Active presence
  • Spirit of humility, faith and service
  • Participate in my own group’s meetings and activities
  • Complete my own registration form & submit it with required payments, respecting diocesan time limits ***
  • Be responsible for insuring my own mental, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual preparation
  • Be aware that during the pilgrimage I am responsible for my pastoral conduct as a disciple, just as I am for my legal conduct as a citizen
  • Participate in fundraising activities organized by the group
  • A pilgrim with special needs is responsible for providing the necessary resources to address those needs (medications, food, wheel chair, special bed, etc.)
  • Pilgrims with special needs have the responsibility to find their own care-taker and to be sure that this person is capable of accompanying them in the context of WYD. It is therefore strongly recommended that care-takers be of the same gender as the pilgrims with special needs that they are accompanying.
  • It is the responsibility of each group to accept, or not, the pilgrims and their care-takers in their group. Youth Ministry will not be providing care- takers for pilgrims with special needs. 
  • A pilgrim with special needs is responsible for providing the necessary resources to address those needs (medications, food, wheel chair, special bed, etc.) They are also responsible for additional luggage costs.

The pilgrim who is not a Canadian citizen must have all necessary travel documents.   The pilgrim must take the necessary steps to obtain these documents as well as travel VISAs. Pilgrims must ensure the validity of his/her registration for this International World Youth Day     

Necessary Travel documentation are not the responsibility of the group leader or Mission Jeunesse.


Each pilgrim as well as each young adult leader is expected to respect all rules set forth by the international WYD organization as well as the country in which it will be held. The appropriate attitude of respect begins right at the start of the pilgrimage preparation.Any participant who jeopardizes or puts the group in danger will not be permitted to participate in the pilgrimage. It is therefore imperative that each pilgrim be aware of and put into practice, certain disciplinary rules to assure proper order, from the beginning as well as during WYD in the host country:

Extreme, disturbing or violent behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at any time.

We reserve the right to refuse or expel any candidate if there is any lapse in acceptable behavior, based on the rules laid out in the code of conduct or the law as described below:

  • If he/she is a suspect or found guilty of any legal infraction.
  • If he/she commits any major offense (consumption of illegal drugs, consumption of alcohol, aggression, theft, grievous disturbance, as well as any criminal activity).
  • For minor infractions,expulsion will occur following the third warning
  • (Minor infractions include : Not respecting the directives of the international WYD organization,  partial or total absence from WYD activities,  language or behaviour that negatively affects the positive experience of the pilgrimage, lack of collaboration by the pilgrim, etc.

In case of expulsion, the pilgrim will be sent back to Montreal immediately, at his/her own costs. If the pilgrim being expulsed is a minor or a pilgrim with special needs his/her legal tutor or assistant will also be sent back to Montreal at their own costs.

Know that the law will be applied rigorously throughout our pilgrimage, and so pilgrims are encouraged to respect the rules and directives.

Group Leader Profile

assistant Group Leader,
sub-group Leader
and companions
Pilgrim Criteria
  • Be 20 years of age or older
  • Be initiated and actively engaged in their personal Christian faith life (be a disciple of Christ)
  • Feel called to accompany a group of young pilgrims and to journey with them
  • Be delegated by their community and possess good references and have filled out the group leader attestation form.formulaire d’attestation de responsable de groupe.
  • Be aware that the International WYD is a PILGRIMAGE not a vacation
  • Be ready to be of service to the young adult pilgrims
  • Be in good physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual health. Be ready to accept to sleeping on the ground, walk long distances, experience time differences and weather conditions as well as other hardships with restraint, simplicity and joy.
  • Be willing and available to assume responsibility for a group of pilgrims throughout the duration of the pilgrimage: Pre-WYD pilgrimage preparation, Duration of the pilgrimage (3 weeks), Follow up to WYD (upon return)
  • Sense of Leadership
  • Good communication
  • Good organizational skills
  • Team spirit
  • Patience
  • Openness and Joy
  • Conflict resolution capabilitiest
  • Positive attitude
  • Aware of others’ needs
  • Active and pastoral presence
  • Sense of humour
  • Spirit of humility, faith, and service
  • This person, 20 years or older, represents the group to the Mission Jeunesse-Youth Ministry WYD Coordination Team.It is with this person that Mission Jeunesse-Youth Ministry WYD coordination team will communicate before and during WYD (deposits, registrations, coordination during the trip, etc.).
  • This person is responsible for insuring that all pilgrims in their group have received necessary information, as well as the community leaders, and any other major backers of the project.
  • They must be appointed by their community or have an acceptable reference and have filled out thegroup leader attestation form.
  • Participate in all World Youth Day meetings
  • Participate in the spiritual preparation activities organized by the diocese (diocesan WYD and other events)
  • Participate in theformations offertes par Mission Jeunesse, formations offered by MJ-Youth Ministry, or delegate young group leader assistants to participate in the formations.
  • Promote WYD to the youth and invite them within their local milieu
  • Assume registrations management for their group (forms completed in entirety, payments made on time, follow up of files for each pilgrim, etc.)
  • Assure that pilgrims are eligible to participate and meet the basic criteria. Assure the mental, physical, psychological and spiritual preparation of all the youth in the group.
  • Assumer l’organisation interne du groupe pour son bon fonctionnement
  • Sensitize the youth that while on this pilgrimage they are responsible for their pastoral conduct, (as disciples) just as they are for their legal conduct as citizens.   
    (I represent myself, my family, my community, my church and my country)
  • Assure that those who wish to be adult leaders have the ability to properly accompany the youth embarking upon the pilgrimage as well as the ability to help the group leader in his/her mission.
  • Communicate all pertinent information regarding the pilgrimage to the pilgrims, the parish community and the other leaders associated with the group
  • Coordinate the fundraising activities of the group

In case of absence during the pilgrimage

The group leader may delegate their assistant to insure internal group coordination, as well as all communication with the Mission Jeunesse – Youth Ministry WYD coordination team.

In case of emergency

In case of emergency (ex. if a pilgrim falls sick or loses their passport, etc.), it is the responsibility of the group leader to name someone to accompany the pilgrim to the hospital, police station, etc. The group leader or assistant must stay with the group to insure its coordination, as well as communication and coordination with the Mission Jeunesse-Youth Ministry WYD coordination team.

Please note that the WYD coordinator named by Mission Jeunesse-Youth Ministry is not obliged to accompany the pilgrim to the emergency room (however, they can do it out of their own generosity.)

For group leaders, assistant group leaders, and companions, there are no problems,   but only opportunities!